Dr. Sakthi Kanal

Dr. Sakthi Kanal M.S(Ortho)., Dip.N.B.(Ortho)., M.N.A.M.S., F.I.S.S.(AUS), F.N.B.(Spine Surgery).,
Dr. Sakthi Kanal got gold medal with Nicholas Andy in M.S Orthopaedic examination. He Cleared in DIP NB(orthopedics) merit in single attempt. Did his senior resident ship in AIIMS(All India Institute of Medical Science), Delhi, cleared FNB spine entrance and done his FNB spine surgery programme in Ganga Ortho Hospital. Later did his fellowship in Spine Surgery with Dr. Paul Taylor in Perth, Australia. He is the first qualified spine surgeon in erode and also first to perform rare surgeries in erode.
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Patients with spine problems always have confusion whether to consult an orthopedic surgeon or a neurosurgeon. National board of examinations came out with spine surgery fellowship where in the spine surgeon gets trained under both orthopedic surgeon and neurosurgeon.

Dr. Sakthi Kanal is one among few surgeons in the country with a national board certified 2 year fellowship training in spine surgery.





Dr.K.Bala Subramaniyam M.Ch(Neuro).,
Dr.K.Bala Subramaniyam did his Neuro Surgeon in MMC and completed further training in Korea. Specialized in tumour and intradural tumor